Some people have no idea why blank greeting cards exist. They often walk into a store, open the card and find it blank; they instantly drop this card and look for one which has some words written inside. But there is a reason why blank greeting cards exist and they include the following:
If you are going to be selecting a blank greeting card, select your words carefully- because it is your writing that will make the greeting special and personal. While it is easy to stick a funny image on the card, your words generally impart more meaning for the recipient- by reading only the first few words, the recipient will already know who the card is from without even looking at the bottom for the name. In general, a blank greeting card is best for family and close friends; blank cards are usually not recommended for business acquaintances because selecting the right words to send a message to your boss/manager can be difficult and you surely do not want to mix personal feelings with business colleagues.
Irrespective of the type of blank greeting card you select, use the right font to make it legible and do not make it into a mini-book. Just add in the right amount of words. A great tip is to always write the message on scrap paper first before you write on the card; proof it to make sure it reads well; there is nothing worse than having typos or grammar mistakes all over the place. You can purchase a variety of blank greeting cards from You Go Girl Co.