About Us

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Who we are

About Our Company

You Go Girl is a greeting card company dedicated to melanated women and girls who deserve special notes just for them. This card company was designed to fill the missing space in the greeting card market and appeal to millions of women of color throughout the world. It’s our mission to provide greeting cards on many retail shelves that represent the person purchasing it and/or receiving it. 

At You Go Girl, we believe ALL women are unique and special, but these cards are especially for the women who are often overlooked and underrepresented. This does NOT mean these cards are exclusively for any one type of woman; a heartfelt greeting card is simply just that. We want to help all demographics of people have access to greeting cards that align with their culture and heritage. At times, niche greeting cards for brown women can be hard to find, but not anymore! 

Our dream is to make a difference in the lives of millions of beautiful brown women around the world and bring smiles to very deserving faces. If you know a woman doing the damn thing, gift her a card to say, “You Go, Girl!”

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